There are very few times in life you can just drop everything and go. The past two weeks have been just that for me. A cruise to the carribean proved to be a much needed break in the midst of this seemingly never-ending stretch to spring.
Our first destination spot was Key West, Fl. An almost instant love with the "Conch Republic" ensued. The beautiful city sparkled with color and a personality unlike any other I have seen before.
Two major observances I had while strolling the city streets were, 1. no one was on a cell phone. ( I almost felt guilty for using mine) 2. no one was dressed what i would consider "fashionably".
These people were all so laid back. Extremely laid back. Nothing really mattered to them. All that thought and planning that I had put into my outfit for the day seemed in vain....frivolous even compared to the care-free atmosphere. Don't get me wrong. I didn't regret being put together, but I couldn't help but notice that no one else but obvious tourists cared much about presentation. My mind ping-ponged for a while until the thought struck me. "Maybe this is a whole different style I just don't understand because I don't live here. It is an entirely different climate, way of life, etc" It was then that I purposed to try a simpler tropical fashion with my own little twist, inspired by the vibrant city. Enter paint pants stage right.
handmade necklace (gift!) bracelet unkown
Bonus advice gleaned from trip to key west: If you ever are having a low self-esteem point in life, vacation in key west. I have never received so many compliments in one day at one, eyes, outfit, etc. The friendliness of the city guarantees conversations! :)
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