I happened across a fascinating article this morning entitle
Perk and Work. The feature story of Vogue.com caught my attention with the title, "The audaciously augmented American body, Sally Singer argues, is fashion's latest challenge", not to mention the picture was full of mannequins. So I clicked.
The article goes on to describe how, over the past 20 years or so, the "worked body" has become a new body type and designers are either having to work with it or ignore it. My summary does not do the article justice. It's better to read it in person. And like I first stated, I find it intriguing.
Labeled, mixed media, 8x16click for more detailThere are several thoughts concerning the topic in my head but honestly, the first, no, third thought that came to mind was a piece I did a year ago. It is somewhat of a collage, with the antique label holders sewn on to the painting as well as a photo transfer of an antique advertisement.
This article haunts me to this day and probably always will. The picture of the stunning woman centered with the title above her head, "What makes a woman beautiful?" is burned in my memory. The question is as complex and varied in answer as the question, "What is art?". Who can really define beauty? The Greeks did but even then every culture around the world has a different standard of beauty.
And even as complex as this question is, we all have an answer to it. Be it nature or nurture, every single person breathing has an opinion on the matter.
For this piece of art, I chose not to answer it myself, but to take answers from society. You might remember, Dove's beauty campaign and the several commercials they made to promote positive body image? Most people will quickly recognize the billboards with the plethora of women...all different colors and sizes wearing white undergarments.
Well, I went to the commonplace meeting room of society, YouTube, looked up Dove's
commercial and then spent a great deal of time reading the posted comments. Everyone has an opinion.
Those opinions were lifted and slipped into antique label holders to answer that burning question, What makes a woman beautiful?"
Everyone is quick to label beauty. And everyone has been labeled by society.
detail of Labeled
click to read some of the answers