

beautiful illustration by Matt Verges
©2008-2009 ~scumbugg
One of my bestest guy friends ever, Matt, gave me this book as a present a few years ago. Moby-Dick, his all-time favorite book. I'm ashamed to say, I never actually finished reading it. It has been sitting on that ever-growing, "must do someday" list.
But when ever I see or hear anything about Moby-Dick, I think of him.

is full of beautiful pieces such as pictured above. But my excitement level jumped when I saw this moby dick necklace and bracelet. Simply perfect.

moby dick
Raw brass whale and nautical wheel hanging from a 24" raw brass chain.
(there is also a lovely matching bracelet in raw brass)

moby dick (silver)
Antique silver plated whale and nautical wheel hanging from a 24" silver cable chain.


chinatown at your fingertips

One of the things I look forward to most when visiting NYC is exploring Chinatown. I must have been in high school when I was first let loose in the city. All the shops, the beads, the little ladies whispering, "prada...gucci..." as you walk by. Since that time, I've had my share of adventures and I've learn a thing or two about shopping there. (One time I was sure I was going to die, as I was led down a little tiny staircase to the basement of a building....but that's another story.)

For several years now, my favorite item to pick up is cheap jewelry. There are stands where all sorts of jewelry....shapes, sizes, colors..... are just two dollars each! Granted, it's all cheap in quality, but many times that is just what I want....something to layer or spice up an outfit. The best part is grabbing a handful of interesting necklaces with funky beads and then remaking them into my own creation when I get home. In the end it's cheaper than buying the beads individually.

So, when I stumbled across 2dollarsjewelry.com, I was thrilled. Once again, it's like Chinatown....lots of stuff...some interesting, some ugly, but it's definitely worth checking out!
The only difference is no bartering and a shipping charge. But then, a shipping charge isn't bad compared to a flight to NYC. :)
Although, I'd never trade the real experience of the city, this is definitely a good in-between trips option.


artistic heartbeat

detail of "Onslaught"
click for closer view

Many thanks to the kind comments of Lenorenevermore and dapper kid concerning my last post! Although there seems to be quite the controversy among the public whether Dove's efforts are genuine or not, seeing as they are a beauty company, I highly respect their campaign.
And I'd say dapper kid unknowingly described my artistic mantra best with his comment,
"It is a shame that we seem to have this one ideal
of beauty pushed upon us by the media,

and when looking around that beauty is not common,
nor does one see it in most couples.

After all finding something beautiful is unique to us all,
and we all see beauty in the most remarkably different things.
That is the best part of life"

I could dedicate this entire blog to body image and the role it plays within the history of women. Much of my artwork is focused on visually portraying what is means to be a women today. I was impressed to work on such an overwhelming topic after countless talks with friends and students, all sharing their hearts....and of course, my own struggles.
Since it is my "artistic heartbeat", I'm positive this topic will creep up again.
Helping others see the beauty in life, especially in others is my passion.



I happened across a fascinating article this morning entitle Perk and Work. The feature story of Vogue.com caught my attention with the title, "The audaciously augmented American body, Sally Singer argues, is fashion's latest challenge", not to mention the picture was full of mannequins. So I clicked.
The article goes on to describe how, over the past 20 years or so, the "worked body" has become a new body type and designers are either having to work with it or ignore it. My summary does not do the article justice. It's better to read it in person. And like I first stated, I find it intriguing.

Labeled, mixed media, 8x16
click for more detail

There are several thoughts concerning the topic in my head but honestly, the first, no, third thought that came to mind was a piece I did a year ago. It is somewhat of a collage, with the antique label holders sewn on to the painting as well as a photo transfer of an antique advertisement.
This article haunts me to this day and probably always will. The picture of the stunning woman centered with the title above her head, "What makes a woman beautiful?" is burned in my memory. The question is as complex and varied in answer as the question, "What is art?". Who can really define beauty? The Greeks did but even then every culture around the world has a different standard of beauty.
And even as complex as this question is, we all have an answer to it. Be it nature or nurture, every single person breathing has an opinion on the matter.
For this piece of art, I chose not to answer it myself, but to take answers from society. You might remember, Dove's beauty campaign and the several commercials they made to promote positive body image? Most people will quickly recognize the billboards with the plethora of women...all different colors and sizes wearing white undergarments.
Well, I went to the commonplace meeting room of society, YouTube, looked up Dove's commercial and then spent a great deal of time reading the posted comments. Everyone has an opinion.
Those opinions were lifted and slipped into antique label holders to answer that burning question, What makes a woman beautiful?"
Everyone is quick to label beauty. And everyone has been labeled by society.

detail of Labeled
click to read some of the answers

two if by sea

sigh. i'm feeling the need for another cruise upon seeing these nautical themed creations by forever 21.


and we're back!

Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville.

There are very few times in life you can just drop everything and go. The past two weeks have been just that for me. A cruise to the carribean proved to be a much needed break in the midst of this seemingly never-ending stretch to spring.
Our first destination spot was Key West, Fl. An almost instant love with the "Conch Republic" ensued. The beautiful city sparkled with color and a personality unlike any other I have seen before.
Two major observances I had while strolling the city streets were, 1. no one was on a cell phone. ( I almost felt guilty for using mine) 2. no one was dressed what i would consider "fashionably".
These people were all so laid back. Extremely laid back. Nothing really mattered to them. All that thought and planning that I had put into my outfit for the day seemed in vain....frivolous even compared to the care-free atmosphere. Don't get me wrong. I didn't regret being put together, but I couldn't help but notice that no one else but obvious tourists cared much about presentation. My mind ping-ponged for a while until the thought struck me. "Maybe this is a whole different style I just don't understand because I don't live here. It is an entirely different climate, way of life, etc" It was then that I purposed to try a simpler tropical fashion with my own little twist, inspired by the vibrant city. Enter paint pants stage right.

old navy top, custom-made paint splattered jeans, ae sandals,
handmade necklace (gift!) bracelet unkown

Bonus advice gleaned from trip to key west: If you ever are having a low self-esteem point in life, vacation in key west. I have never received so many compliments in one day at one time....hair, eyes, outfit, etc. The friendliness of the city guarantees conversations! :)



Ever have one of those rare moments when you've been searching and searching for something....and then you find EXACTLY what's been dancing over and over in your head?
While visiting an artist friend in Hendersonville, NC, this dress form caught my eye from the road. I screamed in delight. There it was. I was in awe of the lovely water markings running down the form. The perfect size, the perfect brand..... It even had the skirt basket attached to the bottom. It was meant for me. 
Sad ending to the story: It wasn't for sale. 
BUT there was something gratifying about finding exactly what I dreamed about....even if I couldn't have it.
I took plenty of pictures to remember it by. 


lost and found

In the same vein as the last post, this vintage-esque necklace was created. Using vintage beads and a handsewn yo-yo (traditional quilt pattern) made from vintage fabrics. 
More on the yo-yo here.


collage styling

Sometimes you just need something new for an outfit. Or sometimes you just need to practice that creativity. But going through things you already own can product some of the most spectacular results.
The necklace pictured is made with a vintage strand of pink plastic beads, vintage buttons, vintage broach and a satin ribbon.
I first put the plastic beads around my neck and then put the ribbon around as well, but gathered it to one side of the strand and then tied it in a bow. From then, all that was needed was a few interesting items. The vintage buttons were safety pinned on, and the broach pinned to the fabric and the beads. Lastly, the little cream hair clip for a pop of interest.
Quick, easy and interesting....This method can be remade for an endless amount of looks.

Happy Square Root Day.
(no, i didn't know this off-hand. thank you to multiple facebook status updates from friends)


art for the day

 "Art is the desire of man to express himself, to record the reactions of his personality to the world he lives in." -amy lowell

As an artist, I am always fascinated by textures, colors and details of interest. And I find it impossible not to express how I "see", whether it be through clothing, written word or a painting. 
I think it is important to feel the world around us and see the beauty it and enjoy our given talent of creating things ourselves. 
Whenever possible, I encourage those around me to "save". Save their thoughts by jotting down a picture, a few phrases, a memory. By keeping what inspires you, you will grow.